Phase 2 – Salt Marsh Project Photos

Salt Marsh Views

lower salt marshsalt marsh_up_high
Figure 1 (left). Lower Marsh: This is a recent photo of the lower marsh during a high tide. The water has risen above the banks of the tidal stream and has spread out on the salt marsh.
Figure 2 (right). Upper Marsh: This photo was taken in the upper portions of the salt marsh. A clear change in vegetation type from Spartina alterniflora to Juncun roemerianus can be seen on each side of the tidal stream.

salt marsh vegetation 1salt marsh vegetation 2

Figure 1 (left). Marsh Vegetation: The marsh vegetation has covered the whole marsh area in this photo from the Fall of 2010. The initial marsh planting was completed in 2007.
Figure 2 (right). Marsh Vegetation: Another picture of the marsh vegetation 3 years after planting.

Phase 2 Current Reserch

Upstream Flume Construction:
<strong>Upstream Flume Construction:</strong> The upstream flume is the smaller of the two flumes. The flumes are made of plywood placed over a two-by-four frame. In this photo the base of the two-by-four frame is being anchored in the stream using rebar.
Upstream Flume construction:
<strong>Upstream Flume construction:</strong> The plywood is being added to the upstream flume. The tidal fluctuations made it difficult to work at times. The research team became experts at driving nails and putting in screws under water.
Upstream Monitoring Station
<strong>Upstream Monitoring Station: </strong>This is the upstream monitoring station during the Fall of 2010. The monitoring station is nearing completion. The water quality probe has yet to be installed and we still have some more work to do the geotextile that directs water into the flumes.
Downstream Flume Construction
<strong>Downstream Flume Construction: </strong>This downstream flume is the larger of the two flumes. The two-by-four frame has been installed and is waiting for plywood to be added.
Downstream Flume Construction
<strong>Downstream Flume Construction:</strong> The last pieces of plywood being added to the frame. Only a few hours earlier the water was over 2 feet higher than is shown in this picture.
Downstream Monitoring Station Nearing Completion
<strong>Downstream Monitoring Station Nearing Completion: </strong>The bridge for manual stream gaging and the geotextile has been added to the flume.